In my understanding the correct translation might differ depending on the academic degree of the wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter i. Maria kaiser wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin karlsruher. Miriam fischer wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin elearning. Am fachgebiet software engineering ist eine stelle als wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin oder wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter mwd im software engineering entggr. Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome. Find the right job for you and apply now in the wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin industry. There is no proper translation of wm as there is no direct counterpart to it in the academic systems of englishspeaking countries. Learn the translation for mitarbeiterin in leo s english. Sorry, there is no translation for this newsarticle. Wissenschaftliche r mitarbeiterin mitarbeiter wmd kennziffer.
Ewelina krawiec wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin ubf. Translation for wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter in the free germanenglish dictionary and many other english translations. Deutschenglischubersetzungen fur wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter im onlineworterbuch englischworterbuch. You can complete the translation of wissenschaftliche given by the germanenglish collins dictionary with other dictionaries. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter jobs, employment in bern, be. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Translate texts with the worlds best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of linguee. Fh wiesbaden translation from german into english pons. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Julia bohnke wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin tu dresden. Its translation tool is just as quick as the outsized competition, but more. Wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter jobs, employment in wien, w. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin oder wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter mwd im software engineering entggr. Translation and data acquisition management, data analysis with spss statistical software, participation in international consortium meetings, communication with project partners, writing scientific reports and articles on the results.
Verbleib translation from german into english pons. Erfahren sie mehr oder kontaktieren sie ines wilck direkt bei xing. Use the free deepl translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter.
Sie ist wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin im bundesamt fur gesundheit. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter statistik jobs, employment. Staff member in the crosscultural surveys team, dealing with translation, adaptation and communication issues in crossnational surveys. Over 100,000 english translations of german words and phrases. Many translated example sentences containing wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter englishgerman dictionary and search engine for english translations. Englishgerman online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Translate mitarbeiterin to german online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. With nounverb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer. English translation of wissenschaftlich the official collins germanenglish dictionary online. Mitarbeiter translation in german english reverso dictionary, see also mitarbeiten,mitarbeit,mitarbeiterstab,mitbesitzer, examples, definition, conjugation. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin wissenschaftlicher. Friederike horstmann ist wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin am. He has more than 40 scientific papers, some of them devoted to free software issues. Regina bittner director of the international bauhauskolleg at the bauhaus dessau foundation, dr.
Erfahren sie mehr oder kontaktieren sie douha alfayyad direkt bei xing. Mitarbeiterin traduzione in italiano dizionario tedesco. Seit 20 wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin, deutsches cochrane zentrum, freiburg 200920 doktorandin, klinik fur tumorbiologie freiburg. Suggest as a translation of freie wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin copy. Mitarbeiter translation english german dictionary reverso. English translation of wissenschaftlich collins german. Cochrane deutschland, universitatsklinikum freiburg breisacher str. After studying german philology and history, he received his doctorate with a thesis on fascism and literature, worked as a research assistant on literature of the 18th and 19th century, and in 1986 he founded along with others the study program cultural studies in bremen. Translations in context of wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter in germanenglish from reverso context. Thomas bauer currently prepares an edition of the complete works of ibn nubatah almisri 128766, one of the most famous poets of.
Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter jobs, employment in berlin. In this project on macedonian contemporary prose i was a part of a translation team and a chief proofreader. I am currently employed as a research associate wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin at the karlsruhe institute of technology kit in the sustainability and environment department of the. German and czech cultural life will contribute their expertise to developing and carrying out the projects. Professor of cultural theory and cultural history in cultural studies at the university of bremen. Ines wilck wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin virtual. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin oder wissenschaftlicher. Her current project is machine translation and post editing.
Maria kaiser wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin karlsruher institut fur technologie kit. The most recent job ads and 6 vacancies in the wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin industry. Marilou jobin wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin zhaw. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin jobs 6 vacancies on. English translation of wissenschaft the official collins germanenglish dictionary online. Your online dictionary for englishgerman translations. Wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter gesundheit mai 2020. Kirsten moore wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin research. Wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter im bereich digital accounting controlling 7085% ihre aufgaben. Unternehmen suchen jetzt kandidaten fur wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter jobs in wien, w. Wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter jobs, employment mai 2020. Suggest as a translation of wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin.
Wikipedia, lexilogos, langenscheidt, duden, wissen, oxford, collins dictionaries. Many translated example sentences containing wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin englishgerman dictionary and search engine for english translations. Pavel liska vicechancellor of the academy of art, architecture and design, vsup, prague, blanka mouralova director of the collegium bohemicum in usti. Skills web design and content production html and css, using editing text, code, or wysiwyg editors like dreamweaver image editing, photoshop, gimp video and screencasting with screenflow and camtasia audacity and other audio software wordpress, drupal and other content management software. Wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter english translation bab. Job search in more than job offers on jobscout24, the best job portal in switzerland. The only solution i can see is to find out what exactly this person did in his job and then to try and find a translation that gives a rough idea of what the job was about. Aktuell 92 wissenschaftlicher jobs letzte aktualisierung. Adobe acrobat, microsoft excel, microsoft word, omegat, omegat, pagemaker, powerpoint, wordfast. Unternehmen suchen jetzt kandidaten fur wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter jobs. Translations in context of wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin in germanenglish from reverso context. Machine translation tools can be very useful for certain applications, but are not.
Chuan ding currently works at the department of computer science and languages fb 5, hochschule anhalt. With reverso you can find the german translation, definition or synonym for wissenschaftliche and thousands of other words. Schreiben einer dissertation im fachgebiet digital accounting, controlling, reporting oder audit. More information contains translations by tu chemnitz and mr honeys business dictionary germanenglish. Traduzione per mitarbeiterin nel dizionario tedescoitaliano gratuito e tante altre traduzioni in italiano.
The fixedterm post is available for a threeyear period. The aim of the paul celan fellowship program is to overcome deficits and asymmetries in the exchange of ideas and the reception of scholarly literature which. However, i think research associate might be a correct translation in any circumstance, whereas research assistant might be more suitable for wissenschaftliche hilfskraft. Faculty of architecture and landscape sciences faculty of civil engineering and geodetic science faculty of electrical engineering and computer science faculty of. Katrin starcke, wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin im fachgebiet allgemeine psychologie.
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